Ecological, 30 of October of the 2000
He is organoclorado that was applied like insecticide in the
cane cultures of sugar, tobacco and many others. In Mexico their sale and
agricultural use are prohibited, but it is continued using in prepared for the
processing of the lice of the head. The doctors continue it also prescribing to
treat the escabiasis. This use must give in and treat this disease by nontoxic
methods. It is classified by the World-wide Organization of the Health like
highly dangerous. The fatal dose in adults has been of only 10 grams and is
medical information of patients who have had convulsive crises - manifestations
of a serious poisoning after ingesting 1,6 grams.
How it acts in the human body
It can enter the organism by respiratory tract, cutaneous and
gastrointestinal. The clinical panel of the acute poisoning depends on the dose
that arrives at the organism; it can affect the gastrointestinal apparatus,
causing nausea, vomit and diarrea that can be confused with a panel of acute
gastroenteritis. Difference of this one, because always it goes accompanied of
other very diverse manifestations, mainly in the nervous system.
In the acute poisoning by lindano, the injury of the nervous
system is most serious. It depends on the dose, the concomitantes state of
nutrition of the patient, sex, age and other diseases. The patient can surpass
the convulsive crises and, later, die by depression of the centers respiratory
and cardiovascular.
Another device that is injured by acute poisoning with lindano
is the kidney, reason why it must be examined the renal operation by means of
measurement in creatinina blood, urea, úrico acid and electrolytes. Equal taken
care of he must have itself with the liver.
Persistence in the atmosphere
Like all the organoclorados ones, the lindano is a very stable
and persistent molecule in the atmosphere. Being very liposoluble, it tends to
bioacumular itself in weaves with much fat, like the mammary glands, the liver
and the nervous system. This persistence in the atmosphere and the mammals, is
the fundamental reason so that it has retired to him of the commerce in most of
the countries.
Commercial names
Etan 3G, Gammaphex, Gammex, Lindane, Lindol 6G
Compilation: Jorge Arturo of Leon
Overhaul: Dra. Lilia Albert